7 Ways of Detox to Cleanse Your Body System and Boost Your Energy - Detoxify Your Body Now

Detox should be a regular process which the body indicates from time to time. Any form of signal from the body would indicate us that we need to detox. The most effective way of detox is by reorganizing our way of life - our lifestyle.

Colon Detox

We need our colon to remove bodily waste from our body. Colon detox enables our colon to function normally. This should be done on a regular basis as the toxins which have accumulated in the body need to be expelled. Foods like sugar, caffeine, processed foods, alcohol and tobacco congest the body with toxins, prevents digestion and colon detox. This results in the collection of mucoid plaque in the intestines and colon which weakens the body. Fresh raw vegetables and fruits, plenty of water helps colon cleansing. Fasting and a liquid diet is also a way to detox naturally too.

Kidney Detox

Remove the toxins in our kidneys are required in order for our kidneys to function normally. However, if this is not happening as often and frequently as it should it indicates that a kidney detox is essential. A healing diet of fresh raw vegetables, fruits, plenty of water and other fluids and also bowel cleansing is good for kidney detox. If this does not help or it develops into a serious problem then a kidney dialysis becomes essential.

Lung Detox

When breathing is shallow and difficult it is an indication to detox the lungs. Air pollution causes the lungs to get infected. The skin tends to take on a grayish and dull appearance. This is a sure sign that a lung detox is needed. Physical exercise and deep breathing enhance lung detox. Green surroundings, fresh unpolluted air, water and fluids further help in lung detox.

Liver Detox

When digestion becomes difficult or disrupted then we know that the liver has slackened in its function to remove or filter chemicals and toxins found in the bloodstream. One of the ways to detox your liver is to avoid processed foods as they destroy the digestive powers of the body. Animal protein diets tax the liver. Reduce animal protein and include fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. These are less harsh on the liver. Total elimination of animal protein is also not recommended as it is required by the liver. Fruits and vegetables should be carefully washed to remove the pesticides they carry.

Detoxing the Gallbladder

The liver works in conjunction with the gallbladder to produce the cholesterol the body needs. The bile produced by the liver gets stored in the gallbladder, which releases portions of it to break down the fat in the food. When this bile is chemically imbalanced it hardens to form stones in the gallbladder and the food does not get digested This is a sure indication of a gallbladder detox. This is a time to avoid animal foods like meats, milk, and eggs. Green leafy vegetables are recommended instead to help detox the gallbladder and the liver.

Detoxing the Pancreas

The pancreas produces hormones to regulate secretion of acid. Damage to these cells slows down the production of insulin, which helps convert the sugar in our foods into energy and the clinical condition of diabetes arises! This means that the pancreas are not coping. One should avoid foods rich in starch, sugar, overcooked meats, bananas, dates, figs and raisins when detoxing the pancreas.

Skin Detoxing

When you find your skin dull and scaly you know it is not active in the production of vitamin D for the body and needs to be detoxed. Revitalize the skin with a good bath and a gentle scrub of the skin. Sauna baths are effective too. Avoid rich foods. Raw greens and plenty of water lend a glow to the skin.

Emma Deangela is the author of detox and fasting site at eDetoxify.com. Combining both Asian and Western philosophy, Emma Deangela has helped many people by giving them health consultation to make their lives better and healthier through natural health philosophy. Read the rest of the article at Detoxify Your Body to discover the health philosophy that lead many people to a healthy life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Deangela

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