Vitamin C Benefits

Benefits Of Vitamin C:

* Benefits of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) include the benefits for immune system. Vitamin C is a great protection against immune system problems. Vitamin C is even used for cold prevention or used in combination with Zinc and echinacea to shorten duration of colds. Vitamin C could prevent serious complications of the common cold like pneumonia or lung infections.

* Ascorbic acid benefits include benefits for your bones. Vitamin C is used in many nutritional supplements for bone health (the combination usually also includes Magnesium and Calcium).

* Ascorbic acid benefits include the ability of vitamin C to help with healing bed sores. Studies show that vitamin C and Zinc improve skin healing for bed sores and other skin breaks.

* Vitamin C benefits include great skin healing properties. Ascorbic acid makes skin younger looking, brighter and healthier. Great vitamin C benefits include prevention of skin wrinkling. Vitamin C can also be useful for spider veins and broken capillaries.

* Benefits of vitamin C include positive effects for adrenal function Some recent studies showed vitamin C was very beneficial to people whose immune system was weakened due to stress. And who is not under stress? Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that are sensitive to stress, and vitamin C is one of the first vitamins to be depleted in smokers, overweight people and alcoholics. When we are in distress (that includes any types of stress: environmental, dietary, work related, etc) and our system needs an increased amount of vitamin C.

* Vitamin C benefits include the benefits for your heart. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant. Most antioxidants are great for cardiovascular health.

* Vitamin C Antioxidant. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and therefore can protect against damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Vitamin C can also protect against toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke. Free radicals are those bad guys that can build up and develop into cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

* Vitamin C benefits include preventing prenatal health problems. It is recommended in every prenatal vitamin.

* Since vitamin C is a great antioxidant, one of the vitamin C benefits is that it's considered to be effective in prevention of the eye disease like macular degeneration.

* The newer benefits of vitamin C are considering a benefit of stroke prevention.

* Another relatively new benefit of vitamin C includes life extension.

* Vitamin C is associated with reduction of inflammation.

Vitamin C Benefits
Everything you need to know about vitamin C benefits and importance of vitamin C.

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  1. Wow thank you, very interesting

  2. Please see this article relating to higher doses of vitamin c to protect the immmune system>
