What Are Pregnant Signs?

All women are different in many ways and their pregnant signs can be different as well. The most common symptom is a missed or just delayed menstrual cycle; however, some women will have a period the first few months of pregnancy. Remember all women are different, so other signs may give a clue. Some symptoms even though they can be a sign of pregnancy can also be signs of other conditions and problems that will need to be discussed with your doctor.

The strange part about pregnant signs is that one woman may have signs within their first week while others may not have any signs for up to three months or longer. It is rare, but some women can have a menstrual cycle for up to six months while being pregnant.

The most common signs include: Missed -- Delayed -- Difference in Menstrual Cycle Nausea Tender Breasts Tiredness Headaches Backaches Frequent Urination Darker Nipples Implantation Bleeding As stated above, even though rare, some women may still have a menstrual cycle, but there will be difference noticed such as lighter flow or shorter period of time. Of course, a missed period is a good sign.

Nausea known as morning sickness is a common symptom, which occurs between two and eight weeks after conception. Some women do not have morning sickness at all, while others may be sick at any time of the day or night. Tender breasts are another sign that is often seen within one to two weeks after conception. The breasts may be swollen and tender to touch.

Being unusually tired can also be a sign of pregnancy that can begin within a week of conception. However, there are many reasons you may feel tired besides pregnancy. Headaches can be a sign, as your body will have a rise in hormones at the beginning of your pregnancy. Backaches especially in the lower back can be a symptom. Some women experience a low backache throughout their pregnancy.

It is very rare but some women experience cramping or even spotting between the sixth day and the twelfth day of pregnancy. This occurs when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. If you have any of the above signs, it would be in your best interest to visit your doctor. Whether you are pregnant or have another condition, your doctor will need to get you started on prenatal vitamins or find the reason for the above symptoms.

If you liked this article, you should read some of the other articles I have written. For instance, read about pregnant signs. And while I have your attention, why not read an article I wrote about private investigating?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ajeet_Khurana

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